
School of Lifelong Learning
College of Education and Human Development


专业跨学科研究和大学研究课程为成人学习者提供了灵活的途径,通过完全在线完成学位, 混合动力, and face-to-face instruction. 我们的课程提供了参与相关课程和培训的机会,旨在建立21世纪的专业能力,如终身学习, 研究技能, 策略性解决问题, 团队合作, 沟通, 以及领导的习惯.

National Board Certification

标志What is National Board Certification (NBC)?

NBC证明教师具备完成教学的技能和知识,他们在两部分评估中的表现证明了这一点. 该评估基于国家专业教学标准委员会制定的高标准. 基于标准的评估要求候选人创建一个以课堂为基础的作品集,并完成为期一天的书面评估. Call 1-800-22TEACH to receive an application for NBPTS.

Benefits of Becoming National Board Certified

  • 领导 opportunities while remaining in the classroom
  • $6,000 annual bonus for 5 years after certification or renewal
  • 专业 growth and affirmation
  • Promote teaching as a profession
  • 州执照更新

The Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative (SMWCTI)

The Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative (SMWCTI)是六个世界级教学计划之一,支持密西西比教师寻求国家委员会认证. 密西西比州为大学校园的世界级教学计划提供资金, 大阳城集团99aa(JSU)是通过西南密西西比世界级教学计划资助教师的机构之一. This initiative was established in the late 1990’s, 第一批通过SMWCTI录取并获得国家专业教学标准委员会(NBPTS)认证的教师。.

The Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative, at 大阳城集团99aa, 由博士指导. Gloria Smith who is assisted by Ms. 卡洛琳•蒂尔曼, and five (5) candidate support providers.  Ms. •蒂尔曼, who serves as a facilitator, is responsible for monitoring the candidate support providers, 招聘, securing financial support, and providing relevant training and academic support for candidates.  该倡议的候选人支持提供者通过国家委员会的程序为选定的候选人提供便利和支持.

The Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative, 在JSU, 提供几种不同的课程,以满足寻求国家委员会认证(NBC)的教师的需求。.  它通过认证过程指导和支持选定的候选人团体. 最终,该计划准备领导教师参加并通过国家教育委员会考试.  以下是SMWCTI提供的课程,以满足寻求国家委员会认证的教师的需求: Candidate Support Program, and The National Board Standards Workshop.

点击这里 to download the application form.

The Candidate Support Program is the heart of the Southwest Mississippi World-Class Teaching Initiative.  它通过国家委员会认证过程指导和支持选定的候选人团体.  It consists of bi-monthly meetings with active candidates, 他们的同龄人, and a National Board Certified Teacher.

点击这里 to view the mentoring Sessions

The National Board Standards Workshop 是一个为期两天的研讨会,旨在就国家专业教学标准委员会制定的标准提供指导吗. During the standards workshop, 教师被介绍到认证过程的组成部分:完成教学的架构, the Five Core Propositions, and the Standards for each certificate area.  研讨会概述了国家委员会认证过程,其中包括四个组成部分的详细概述. 在研讨会期间,教师有机会与国家委员会认证教师一起工作.

What Does the SMWCTI Offer Teachers?

  • Seminars to study national standards and connect to practice
  • Regular meetings with candidates and National Board Certified Teachers
  • Cooperative learning designs
  • 获取学习材料
  • Support system and network opportunities

About目前密西西比法律对国家委员会认证教师的报销流程的解释, 辅导员, 语言病理学家, 请到 在这里

For an application for National Board Certification, please call 1-800-22-TEACH or apply on-line at http://www.nbpts.org/.


If you have any further questions about the certificate, please contact:

School of Lifelong Learning: 601-979-8777



  1. General Education Development (GED) and Basic Skills Training
  2. 做父母的技能

The Learning Center provides self-paced, 个性化的, computer-based instruction on an on-going basis. CELC与终身学习学院的学术和非学术学分单位共同行动,为电子城市和其他扫盲社区发展项目提供实质性的发展方案, 劳动力, 和健康.



* GED Preparation (Math, Social Studies, Science, Reading/Writing)


* Employment Skills Training/Parenting

* ACT预备


Classes are offered every 8 to 10 weeks.   Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. 到晚上7点.m, closed for lunch 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.


* If you are 17 or 18 years of age, you will need a withdrawal form from the last school that you attended, along with a MS state ID and social security card.


问题 & 答案

* How much does it cost to take GED classes?


* How long will it take before I get my GED?


* Can I register to take my GED test without taking classes? 


* How do I register for 测试? 

只要去 格.com to register, and you must have a valid email address. Also, you must have a debit/credit card to pay for


* 我需要多少分才能达到五门考试的最低及格分数, as well as a passing  average score overall?

There must be a minimum of 150 on each test with a total score of 600.

* What are the costs to take the GED test?

The cost for each test is $30 per subject (4 subject areas).

* Is there a graduation ceremony?

是的, there is a graduation that takes place in June.

* Can I go to college with a GED?

是的, the GED is equivalent to a high school diploma; therefore, it is recognized by colleges/universities, training schools and employers. You will have skills attainment, 提高工作技能和过渡到进一步的学术/职业培训或就业.



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Dr. 卡洛斯·D. 威尔逊 Interim Director of  School of Lifelong Learning 卡洛斯.d.wilson@athletebody.net 601.979.8895
Ms. 斯蒂芬妮·佩恩 安倍/ GED教练 斯蒂芬妮.l.payne@athletebody.net 601.979.6891
夫人. Marquita谢尔比 安倍/ GED教练 marquita.i.shelby@athletebody.net 601.979.3782



Resource Assistant for Nontraditional Learners





专业发展 Center Director





Basic Skills and Adult Basic Education Instructor




LuFunya Porter博士.D.

Coordinator of Continuing Education


(601) 979-2935



3825 Ridgewood Road, Jackson, MS 39211


(601) 979-8777